Key Stage 3 ESSAY Competition
This competition is targeted at Year 9 Humanities pupils who are studying World War 2 and through research of veterans’ wartime experiences offers an opportunity for sustained writing on a topic that will also excite and encourage the participation of boys.
Schools are invited to submit essays written by Year 9 pupils to the Legacy Administrator Mrs Linda Varley ( See details below
- This is an individual competition to write an essay on a topic that should be well-researched and could include local visits. The essay should consider the historical importance of WW2; the significant role of the region in the Second World War and cover changes to the region and the impact of the of the war on the local population. The Home Front section on the website entitled contains personal experiences of life during wartime as a child growing up and a number of these WW2 schoolchildren are able to visit local schools to talk about their experiences.
The choice of topic for the essay should reflect the individual interests of the pupil. The following list is given to suggest possible areas of exploration; these ideas are not intended to be prescriptive or to exclude other areas of interest.
- The significant role of the local area in WW2 which could cover the use of a local airfield; factory production; the role of the local Regiment; local heroes
- First person accounts and the life experiences of a young soldier could be inspired by website research or interviews of veterans or relatives.
- Writing inspired by visits to War Memorials; the Imperial War Museum; visiting Commonwealth Graves in local cemeteries
- Civilian and school life in WW2
- Geographical exploration of the Normandy D-Day beaches
- Timeline of WW2 military campaigns
- Records of military vehicles used as part of the land, sea and air offensive
- The historical importance of radar in WW2, how it was invented and used
- Analysis of battles of WW2, such as the Battle of Britain or the Normandy Invasion
All submissions will receive a certificate. All essays will be submitted to a National Competition, organised by the Spirit of Normandy Trust in association with the Young Historian Project (offshoot of the Historical Association) and judged by the Editor of The Historian Magazine. The national competition winner receives a monetary prize (and a donation to the school).
Research Resources
World War 2 schoolchildren and Stockport Legacy members, whose fathers were in the Normandy Campaign, will attend schools on invitation with authentic artefacts for the children to handle. – personal accounts of Stockport and District Normandy Veterans – portraits and voices of WW2
National resources can be accessed at: